Horizon 2020

“HORIZON 2020″, the highest budgeted grant program of the European Union, will be happened in Izmir. Within the scope of the program that Izmir is the first among 39 cities, an ecological corridor will be formed in the northern part of the city; Steps will be taken to shape the future green infrastructure strategy. Within the scope of the program, 2.5 million EURO grant will be given from Izmir to Izmir.

İzmir Metropolitan Municipality will cooperate with İzmir Institute of Technology  and Ege University in the first program which aims to bring “nature-based solutions” to the problems in the cities. The special project area including the Izmir Natural Life Park and its applications to the environment will take place as a pioneer and practitioner in the “Innovative and Nature Based Projects” together with Valladolid of Spain and the cities of Liverpool of England.